On 22-24 May, 2023, 20 entrepreneurship staff members from all three partner universities deepened discussion and knowledge on how to support the next generation of entrepreneurs
We are happy to announce that in 22-24 May 2023 the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam hosted a useful and insightful “Building an Entrepreneurial University” workshop.
The second workshop in this project was aimed at further developing connections between entrepreneurship support staff from VU Amsterdam, Corvinus Budapest and Glasgow University. The workshop was delivered over three days by STAC.ac, our accelerator partner.
To kick-off, we had the opportunity to step into the vibrant world of the VU StartHub with a presentation by director Hans Drenth.
The VU StartHub is a pioneering initiative at the heart of student-driven start-ups, nurturing ideas with robust support systems. The StartHub facilitates several start-up spots for students, employees and alumni of VU who want to start a business.
A unique collaboration in which young entrepreneurs can tap into the knowledge and expertise that the university and business community have to offer. It was inspiring to see the incubation process firsthand, explore the modular office spaces, and glean insights into how Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam fosters entrepreneurial growth.
Over the three days, STAC.ac facilitated a fruitful cross-institutional exchange that left us brimming with ideas and a renewed appreciation for the role of universities in paving the way for tomorrow's change-makers.