The Accelerate project confirms moving forward with a new cycle of both online and offline learning opportunities.
The partners bring back the online module "Building a data-driven start-up", a self-paced learning experience running for the next 6 months, up until. August. Students can sign up at this link. The next Advanced Innovation Ecosystem workshop will now be held in Glasgow, dates to be announced soon. This small, selective workshop is offered for the most promising academic staff/student data-driven start-up opportunities. September 22-24th the Building an Entrepreneurial University experience will be hosted in Amsterdam. A core aim of the Building an Entrepreneurial University workshop series
is to facilitate peer-learning across the consortium given that each partner university has complementary areas of strength. The overall objective of the workshop is to bring current industry best-practice to key change-makers in the university, so they can positively influence decision-making relating to entrepreneurship support at the partner universities.