About AccelerateEEE
The vision of the Accelerate Entrepreneurship Education in Europe (AccelerateEEE) is to build capacity at partner universities to catalyse the development of data-driven entrepreneurial firms in areas such as fintech, med-tech, AI and IoT.
Through an innovative online course, six in-person workshops and a mentor network, we seek to embed an entrepreneurial culture within partner universities. In doing so, we align university and industry best practices for scaling up the support for data-drive entrepreneurs.
AccelerateEEE brings together partners from three universities, University of Glasgow, Corvinus University Budapest and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and one leading IoT accelerator in Scotland, STAC.ac. Working together, the partners leverage their respective ecosystems' distinctiveness and individual character to achieve synergies as part of an integrated, open, and collaborative network.
Our Goals
at partner universities
in higher education
of best practices + inclusive support
Removing barriers to participation: we have developed building a high-quality online module for academic staff and students who want to explore how to build a data-driven start-up. The flexible and accessible nature of the online module offers an inclusive mode of study for would-be entrepreneurs who may otherwise be unable to attend in-person classes owing to care responsibilities or inflexible work schedules.
Creating communities of practice across partner universities: To achieve long-term sustainable impact, the project will seed a community of practice in order to support entrepreneurship development. This will be accomplished through a series of in-person workshops in which participants will develop action plans to improve support mechanisms at the universities, and through international mobility for staff between partner universities.
Developing capacity by learning from industry: recognising that technology industries move fast, the project seeks to closely align internal support activities with external trends. This is achieved through working closely with our industry partner STAC.ac who deliver training to non-academic colleagues in entrepreneurship and commercialisation support roles, and our associate partners from industry who feed into workshops and curriculum development.
Becoming entrepreneurship educators for the partner universities, not just from them: Partner universities find they often prioritise external stakeholders in industry and government when delivering entrepreneurial education. The project reorients attention to overlooked internal stakeholders and promises a joined-up approach to developing entrepreneurship capacity.
This project will be achieved through the following objectives: